
Successful Facebook Marketing Campaigns for Non-Profits Do Happen!

Making your non-profit marketing campaign a success on Facebook means you need to put a lot of hard work into making friends. It has not been this difficult to make friends since you were in elementary school, trying to get people to like you then. Just as you competed with the other kids on the playground to have the best idea, on Facebook, your nonprofit organization needs to create enough buzz to get attention. It is not easy but with the right resources and tips, you can be the most popular organization on the block and we all know that’s the ultimate goal.

Tips for Facebook Marketing Success for Non-Profits

To make a Facebook marketing campaign a success, consider the following. These tips can help you to regroup or to just get started.

Define Your Goals

First, you need to know what your goals of this campaign are. In short, what do you want to accomplish with it? Build brand awareness? Educate the public? Get donations? Create an easy way for consumers to donate to you? Reach a larger audience

It’s Not a Sales Pitch – Have Something Unique to Say

Be sure you have something to say. This is not a sales pitch site. In other words, not every post should be a method of begging for money. Rather, ensure each post offers something interesting and unique.

Organic Following

Build your following organically. There is very little benefit to paying for followers. Rather, build your brand and educate offline contributors to your efforts online. This can help you to get started. Then, work to offer helpful information and resources to the public. Ultimately, people will share your information with others and that will grow your bottom line. You just need to make sure whatever you are placing on the site is worth sharing.

Ensure Your Site Is Usable

A mistake some organizations make is not ensuring there is a simple way for a visitor to go from your Facebook page to your website. You may even be able to link your site directly to a donation page. If you do not make moving from Facebook to your website seamless, people will not take the steps you want them to. You may also want to ensure your site is capable with mobile marketing methods, too.

Get People Talking

Perhaps the hidden gem in marketing with Facebook is to create enough of a stir that people start talking. You do not want to blend into the crowd but you do need to stand out. To do that, discuss controversial topics as they relate to your cause. Offer valuable information that will get an emotional reaction from your readers. Give them steps to take to fix the problem or to get involved, too. Be the voice of your cause.

Facebook is a powerful resource and it is a nearly free method of getting attention to your organization. You simply cannot overlook the importance of it. It is so critical to put together a campaign that can get your organization the attention it needs. You are not the only one struggling with a Facebook campaign for a nonprofit organization, but you can make stellar improvements in a short time with the right tools.